Hiatus - Oh No

Well it's passed the halfway point of the month and of NaNoWriMo and I have to report I've stalled on the book big time. I thought I had a next move for the plot sorted, and I may still have but I've just felt so washed out these past two days I've not written more than a hundred words of it.

I have got some more submissions out there into the big wide world so you never know. Five more submissions of the YA fantasy novel the Patternmaker's Daughter. I have so enjoyed re-reading this novel and re-visiting the world of Elspeth Comstock that I really want to write more of it. I have the plots down on paper in my notebooks, for either two or three more books depending on how I break them. Fingers crossed one of the agencies like the sound of them and help me get them published.

I may have stalled on the book but I have not been staying away from the writingverse. I've been scribbling down more ideas for other novels in various notebooks. I have a new setting I would love to explore - a kind of young adult supernatural thing where the spooky bit is nothing to do with the main characters being teenagers.

I'm not going to have a Carrie clone or anything like that. Stephen King did Carrie and it's stunning. No point going anywhere near that idea. I would never be able to compete. No my setting idea just happens to have two teenagers, a brother and sister in the middle of all the weirdness. I just need another plot point or two to pop into my head and it will be good to go.

One good thing about it, the location for it is just up the road from where I live (hence why I got the idea) so I can just do the old cliché - write what you know. It makes sense. I did that for my horror novel Mr. Stinky. I set it in the 1970s/1980s in Solihull. Go on, guess where I lived during that time period.

Anyway, yesterday I had one piece of writing news, unfortunately not a good one. I had another rejection for my sf alternate universe story. Such is life I guess.

Today I did notice one thing on my submittable dashboard. The status for one of my submissions of the weird novella the Intersection has changed from received to In Progress. So it is being looked at. Hopefully I will get some news on it soon. That piece has not received any responses as yet from the submissions I've sent out so... Admittedly one of the submissions is way beyond its expected response time so I am presuming it dead. But the others are all well in period

That's all to report though. Not much writing. A few submissions. One rejection.

There is a recommendation to anyone who like quirky odd TV shows. We've started to watch this Norwegian comedy show called Dag. Dag is a marriage guidance counsellor who hates the idea of relationships. Very strange. Compelling


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