Quick Sunday PM update

Writing today hasn't gone all that smoothly. This novel is nowhere near as easy to write as the YA Fantasy was. That virtually flowed from brain to keyboard. The last day of writing it over 7,000 words found their way onto the page. Today I have struggled with the tone and voice of this bawdy scifi and haven't reached 1,600 words yet. It's getting really tricky to keep coming up with suitably twisted euphemisms and metaphors. Why did I pick this kind of voice for the narrator?

Still I am determined - I will finish it. And hopefully I will make the 50K for November at the same time.

I took a break from it this afternoon. Some of what occupied my time was writing related. I found three open markets for horror fiction and sent in submissions for Mr. Stinky. First I've done for that book in a while.

Away from writing I watched the latest episode of Supergirl with my wife. We're still undecided about this show. Do we keep watching it? Not sure. The one thing in its favour is that we felt the same about Flash and it came good towards the end of the first season. So it's probably going to get a few more episodes to keep us watching. And also we remember how Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. was for the first few weeks. We're glad we stuck it out with that one and can't wait until C4 decides to show Season 3.

Oh, one film recommendation to mention. During the researching markets to sub the novels to I put on Kentucky Fried Zombies. All I can say about this is that if you are ever tempted to give it a watch, just don't. It's terrible. And unfortunately not quite bad enough to be funny.

Right - back to writing


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