Tuesday 24th November Entry 1 - rejections plus

I'm starting tonight with a short-ish blog entry. It's kind of thing to get the mind starting to focus on sentences again after a day of creating software code. Hopefully it will spur the creative side of me into action.

Two more responses from agencies/publishers today and neither contained good news I'm afraid. One agency declined my YA fantasy novel - four week turn around is pretty good. They said some positive things such as "We enjoyed your writing" but ended by saying they don't think they would be the right agency to take it forward. Okay it might be a stock email thing but at least it was friendly.

The second was for the horror novel Mr Stinky and came from publisher Dead Star Publishing. Now this takes the record for the fastest ever turnaround on a submission. I only sent it in on Sunday and by Tuesday it's been considered and replied to. Fairly impressive.

So I have done the only thing that is possible in a situation like this - I sent the Intersection, my weird novella, off to another publisher.

Also have chased up another publisher who have gone beyond the end of the period they stated on their guidelines. Not a good sign I know but I'd rather have a definitive no than no reply.

Right - now to get down to writing. I need to do some more catching up


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