More review sales

I have two new reviews appearing in Issue 4 of nossa morte. The first is a review of Tim Lebbon and Christopher Golden's Mind the Gap, the other of Nate Kenyon's Bloodstone.

Should be available early next month.

you can find them at


kenyonn2000 said…
Hi--just read your review of Bloodstone. Thanks for writing it! I appreciate your thoughts on the book, and I understand your comments about place. Funny thing is, I grew up in a small Maine town quite a bit like White Falls (in fact, my old friends would recognize a landmark or two). So for me, placing the story in Maine was more about my own personal history than "that other guy from Bangor." :) Darn guy keeps stealing the spotlight, but I suppose when you're as good as he is, you deserve it.

It was a very thoughtful review. Thanks again.

All the best,
Edmund Lester said…
Hey, I just wrote up what I read in the book - very enjoyable. I hope you keep up the standard - I am looking forward to your next book...

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