
We've contacted the estate agents about selling our house and next Friday and Saturday we have two of them coming to do a valuation. So I have started the packing.

One thing we have repeatedly been told every time a house move is imminent is declutter. And unfortunately most people see books as clutter. So I have begun packing up the books. It's far from over - I have so far filled 40 boxed (each 35 litre in volume).

I have a feeling I will need another 60 to remove enough books to make it look the way I'm told - even then there will still be many left on shelves. Then I will have to start empty the house of the other collections - we like artwork and knick-knacks. Most of the surfaces of the house are covered in small sculptures, or old artefacts like brass water containers and Victorian scientific instruments and tobacco tins.

Ah well - time to make the house less us. I will just have to keep thinking of how the next house will give us more room to put books and knick-knacks in once we sell this one. Hope it doesn't take long there is one for sale nearby I would rather like to have a chance at.


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