Writing: a new ethos?

I enjoy writing novels. It's interesting to see where my mind will take a scenario. Okay that part is usually the planning phase but it always leaves something for the actual writing part. Things change - just as they did tonight.

I had an ending for this YA Supernatural story sorted. It was done and dusted nearly a month back when I planned this story out. And tonight it changed. For some reason my mind just through that original ending out and filled its place with one I think is a huge improvement. When it came to me I was actually excited by it.

It's made me think a little. Should I go for it a little looser planned in future? I read about the ways of writing stories and there seems to be two distinct camps. Some people plan, some people go for it, seat of the pants time. I've always been more towards the former. In everything I've written so far I've had the scenario, the characters and the ending pretty much sorted before writing the first word. I leave a bit of wiggle room in the middle but having that aim at the start, the this is where I need to get to bit, keeps me on the straight and narrow.

But does that mean I have to be the same each time? Would it be all that bad to come up with the characters and setting and the initial bit of the plot and just go for it? Would I be happy writing like that? I'm not sure. I think I might have to mull it over. I should have enough time. I'm not expecting to get this novel finished (first draft) until the end of the month at the earliest. The one I want to write next is pretty much plotted out - the ending has to go the way I've put down as it leads into a potential sequel that I think could be fantastic. It will certainly give me the chance to mess with the head of anyone who might read it.

Anyway, that's all a matter for the future. I should mention a few other writing related things.

Firstly I have been interviewed on the Author Interviews blog (March 1st entry). Here's the link
Edmund Lester Interview at Author Interviews. I hope you enjoy reading it. Or should that be I hope you don't get too bored reading it. That might be a more reasonable hope.

On the writing itself I am a day or two late but here is the report for February

Total words written - 42,658
Daily average - 1,471

Not too bad when 10 of February's 29 days saw no writing at all. There are times when I want to spend time with my wife. She's far more important to me than maintain a higher average.

February also saw a few submissions go out the (electronic) door

No Man's Land - 14
The Patternmaker's Daughter - 9

Not enough I know. I need to make some more time to send more. It's a necessary evil. You spend an age formatting a file to the exact requirement of an agency or publisher with the knowledge that the chance of it receiving anything other than a rejection or no response at all is next to zero.

Still without sending any I guess I would never get published.

Rejections for February
The Patternmaker's Daughter - 4
The Intersection - 2
Against the Fall of Empire - 2
No Man's Land - 3
Mr. Stinky - 1

First March writing happened tonight - 1,220 words added and a new ending plotted.

More to come


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