Fastest turnaround - not a good one though

Last night I sat down with a new story idea in my head. I wrote it out in one sitting - not that it was hard as it only came to 1300 words.

Printed it, left it for half an hour. Re-read it. Edited it to 1100 words and submitted it to Ruthless Peoples Magazine.

Got home from work this afternoon, logged on, checked the email. And they'd rejected it.

Nicely though, despite the magazine's title. Still from when I had the idea to it being returned was eleven hours. Impressive. Would have been nicer if they'd wanted it obviously, but you've got to admire their speed. They only had it secen hours.

Unfortunately they also rejected the other tale I sent them a little earlier. They were nice about that too though.

And I've already sent them off to other potential markets. I'm not expecting the same time turnaround from them though.


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