The Midnight Meat Train

My recent horror film fetish is continuing. The latest film to get a viewing is this adaptation of a Clive Barker short story that stars ex-soccer player Vinnie Jones. I'd been looking forward to this for a while now. For once with a horror film everything I'd heard about it was positive.

Well the portents were good, but the film? Would it live up to my hopes? The simple answer is yes. I thought this film was fantastic fun. It's a little over the top in terms of blood at times but that's just fun. The violence is extreme in places, made more hard hitting by a cold, expressionless performance by Vinnie Jones.

The basic story is that Vinnie is a serial killer who finds his victims on the New York Underground, preying on victims on the trains after 2am. A photographer encounters him and becomes obsessed with trying to find proof of his murders.

This is one of the best horror films I've seen in months - and I do watch rather a few.

Vinnie Jones is best when in these kinds of roles. He has a great look for a hardcase, or deranged killer. He plays the silent killer superbly. His screen presence is perfect here. Now we're not talking Shakespeare here, he has no lines in the film, he just has to be menacing. But he does it splendidly.

Just what I needed on a Sunday night.


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