Writing Update and a Bit of a Rant

Received a couple of rejections today - for two science articles.

But also the good news of another review that will run in Shroud Magazine. This is my 25th book review accepted for publication.

Shroud is a new US based horror print magazine launching next year, Check them out - and subscribe, there's going to be a lot of good fiction in this mag over the months/years


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As I was reading through some emails and writing this I had a music DVD playing on the TV in my office. I won't say what it was but it had "Creative Packaging". That's a term I use for those times when record labels decide that a standard DVD box (or CD box for that) isn't sufficient for their needs and they go off on one.

Generally what they produce looks good (not always though) but these things feature cardboard and customised plastic components which seem guaranteed to break, tear or go wrong. Tonight's DVD is one of these. It's two disks are held on spongy centres glued to a cardboard foldout construct. Problem is one of the spongy holders is a disaster - it simply cannot hold onto the disk no matter how hard I try to get it lined up. And the other one has detached from the cardboard it was glued onto.

Why not use the standard plastic cases. If they go wrong I can simply buy a replacement and pop the insert and booklet (when there is one) into the new case and all is good as new.


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