The thing about writing

Back in November, during the height of NaNoWriMo season I hit a few days of not writing - damnable bad timing.

I put it down at the time to putting too much pressure, too much expectation, on myself. After all 50K in a month would be easy.

Well this last week I've had another such writing free time; only this time for a different reason. I was feeling under the weather.

Now in and of itself that wouldn't have been a problem except for the day job part. The mental energy I did have was used up there leaving little for writing. I did read through another 3 chapters of my bawdy SF novel making red pen corrections but no new words.

I think this is the way it's always going to be unless a miracle happens and I not only sell a book but it earns me enough that I don't have to have a day job. That's a pipe dream though.

I have been scribbling in my notepads though. There are more notes on my 4th weird Ben Wlliamson novella and on the secret society paranoid SF novel so I could claim some progress.

There's also another story idea sketched out - an alternate history story set in the 1980s which I am going to have to fight to keep away from WiPdom. I must finish at least one of the ones started - and finish the revision so I can submit the bawdy novel.

This week I'm hoping for decent output. My wife is working on a panto as musical director and is busy today daytime, Tursday and Thursday evenings on that; and has a rehearsal Weds eve for a gig next Saturday. If I don't make good use of the time I need shooting.

Let's see if I can get back into the swing of things.


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