Wednesday Writing Update

Not good news I'm afraid. I had two emails from agents back - one rejection each for Mr. Stinky and Against the Fall of Empire.

Mr. Stinky now has eleven outright rejections and three passed their listed maximum response time.
Against the Fall of Empire has six rejections and one returned as the agent had stopped taking submissions.

Trying to summon the mood to write something tonight. I was thinking of parking the novella until later and making a start on the YA fantasy novel. I keep thinking about it just before sleep - and fortunately I keep a notepad (ok, more like fifteen notepads) by the side of the bed so I can write all these thoughts down.

I just need to figure out the first scene and I'm good to go. It needs the right start.

>>>End of writing evening update
I did manage some writing tonight. It wasn't much but something is better than nothing. The novella (yes I stuck with it) is now up to 15,149 words. Only a little over 600 words but that's better than nothing.

I did make another submission too. You never know. Maybe one day (week/month/year) I will have a positive reply. I'm going to keep at it.


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