Collecting Update - Saturday 29th - Shaun Hutson fest

Last weekend was a bust. I didn't have any free time to go hunting books. This weekend though is at least a little better. I couldn't head out to the Saturday car boots but I could head into Ashby and hit the charity shops.

I thought it was going to be a zero return experience books wise. I'd been to all but one of the shops and bought a bunch of CDs - including another copy of Joe Satriani's Surfing with the Alien - I lost my copy some time ago.

And then I headed into one last shop and found some old horror paperbacks, a fantasy book and another non-fiction about code breaking.

They are

Shaun Hutson - Erebus
Shaun Hutson - Shadows
Shaun Hutson - Relics
Shaun Hutson - Victims
Richard Laymon - Amara
Richard Laymon - The Lake
David Gemmell - The Swords of Night and Day

Sinclair McKay - The Secret Life of Bletchley Park

Maybe I'll get the chance to head out in the morning and find some more. You never know


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