Needing to pace myself - signs of getting old

I looked upon this week as a fantastic chance to do some serious writing while my wife was playing saxophones for the pantomime. In my head I saw myself moving things along in a very speedy manner.

Well it partly came true. I added nearly 4K on Saturday, 3.5K on Sunday. good start. Monday came around and back to the office during the day. Once it was evening and I was back home I got down to it and added another 2.2K. I was a little disappointed in that and thought I might be able to improve it come Tuesday. That didn't quite happen.

Tuesday night I was tired; very tired. I managed to add 1.7K but it was a struggle. Wednesday was even worse, both in terms of how the writing and how I felt (and yes I know my wife was more tired - she was playing after all; all I was doing was writing). It added just two scenes and 1.4K.

You see my wife was getting in at around midnight, still buzzing from the show. So we'd sit and talk for a bit, waiting for the adrenaline to leave her system and then head off for sleep. One Tuesday that was after 1am. The alarm still went off at 6:45 no matter our need for sleep.

I hadn't considered the tiredness. Back when I was in my twenties I would not have even noticed; same in my thirties. In my early 40s it would have been tougher but I'd have been able to cope until the weekend when I'd have been able to go all comatose for a while. Not anymore I'm afraid. I have to admit that time affects me. And I guess only being a week or so the other side of having the flu it was always going to hit hard.

Fortunately my wife is far more sensible than I am. Yesterday she suggested we book a day off for today. It was a bit last minute but thankfully my boss was cool with it. So we slept in a bit (8am indulgent or what) and then got up slowly and had a very relaxing day together.

Well it's had a very positive effect on me (and I hope on my wife too). I'm still tired but I'm not exhausted any more. And when I got to the keyboard this evening words came a lot easier. So much so I have written four scenes tonight for 2.4K. That's more like it.

Anyway I'm going to make a start on another scene. I'm not likely to finish it before my wife it back but I can make a start. I'll finish it tomorrow.


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