The Novel is out there

My cold is still hanging around. I feel as though someone (and if I find them I will make them pay) has filled the empty space between my ears with cotton wool. It's kind of tricky to get thought through all the goo.

As such it's been another evening of no writing - other than fixing the typos my wife found in the previous section (written last week).

So I wasn't going to just sit in front of the TV and vegetate. I'm not the greatest fan of doing that. Okay I like watching TV but only when there's a show I want to watch. As my wife was out (and all the shows I'm watching at the moment so is she) I didn't have much to choose from and besides it would still have felt a little wasteful.

So I opted for an evening of submissions. Out came my trusty novel submissions diary (or excel file if you want to be accurate) and I started searching for literary agents who might accept bawdy sci-fi. Well after a couple of hours of searching and reading submission guideline pages I have six new submissions for No Man's Land out there. This brings the total to eight submissions for my latest completed novel. I dare say they will not be the last this week.

And as a special bonus I found a couple more places to try the YA Fantasy novel the Patternmaker's Daughter so there are two more out there for that novel - makes up for the couple of rejections it received last week.

Which brings me to the latest snippet of news about my writing and it's not good I'm afraid (even if it encouraging).

I received a rejection for Mr. Stinky this evening which included the phrase (and this is copy & pasted from the email)

"The writing is engaging and tight, and I am sure you'll find an audience for it."

The rejection gave the reason of their intention to stick with a more YA audience than my horror novel would require. So I have emailed back asking whether they might consider the Patternmaker's Daughter. It's definitely spot on with the YA part but it's high fantasy and I think they want more urban fantasy/paranormal. It doesn't hurt to ask I guess.

Anyway, here's hoping my head sorts its befuddledness out soon - I want to get back to writing.


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