Death - the Aftermath

A death brings a great deal of things to do. The funeral director handed a pack of information to my mother outlining all the people we would need to contact and inform. It was a very useful list and had one or two we hadn't considered, and one or two that were not on the UK Government's website advice pages. Informing the local library was one.

We spent yesterday calling round the various organisations - banks, insurance agents, government pensions offices etc - fetching his property from the care home where he'd lived for the last six months, returing unused medicines to the doctor's surgery for safe disposal etc etc etc. And most of all keeping my mother from seeing what was going on as much as we could, and preventing her from seeing anything that could upset her further.

Once the funeral is over (next Tuesday) then we are hoping that she will be able to get on and make a single life for herself and have some fun. We're hoping she will take our advise and book herself on a holiday or two. There is a UK company called Saga who provide services for the aging. Skimming through their brochure there are one or two rather pleasant sounding tours they do - the Romanian one I would love to do myself, it's a country I really want to visit.

My mother is tough, she's not one to sit around feeling sorry for herself or moan about her fate all that much so I have hope.


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