A new year

2007 has gone. We saw it out in typically subdued style. We watched an excellent film (Fearless starring Jet Li) and then saw Channel 4's guide to the best 80s movies - another of the seemingly endless run of public vote top 50 programs TV is keen on - I guess they are cheap. I like them though when the subject appeals.

Anyway it was fun to watch, these were the movies I gre up with. Okay a couple of my favourite 80s movies didn't make the top ten (Bladerunner and Brazil) but I did agree with the top choice - Back to the Future. I loved that movie when I first saw it and have watched it a time or two (or several dozen) since.

We then saw the New Year is we usually do watching Jools Holland's Hootenanny. New Year celebrations aren't something we do, it's just a date on the calendar and the start of a month or so of trying to remember to write the correct date down.

That aside though, Happy 2008 to anyone who reads this. Buon Anno!


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