A good day's write

Today has been a good day to write. I finished the scene I left part completed on the 27th and added a further four. In total I added 2,955 words to the novella bringing it up to 23,632 words. It's going pretty much to plan so 30K is still the target. It might go over by a thousand words or so but it won't be more than that.

I'm still hoping I will get enough time over the next two days to complete it before the year's end but I'm not going to predict that will be the case. I know I will come to regret any such bold claims.

The plotting of the next stories is still underway. I might be a little way away from starting the intended next project though. I have about the first third mapped out in my head (and some on paper) and the ending is sorted. The problem is I haven't quite figured out how to get from A to B. It's a bit up in the air still.

If I haven't got it finalised so I might just write the opening couple of chapters of the Runecarver - the sequel to my earlier YA fantasy the Patternmaker's Daughter. One publisher has the full manuscript of that earlier book under consideration so it might be beneficial to have made a start on book 2. I have a full plot for book two written up and an outline for a further two books so would dearly love to continue that story.

I could probably do with sorting a few more submissions out there too - and do the revision of No Man's Land so I could give my brain more time to get the full plot of this PKD paranoia styled tale together.

Away from writing I have watched more Sherlock. Why didn't I watch this years ago? Mind you, maybe I shouldn't ask that. If I had I wouldn't be having all this televisual joy now. Today's ep was Hound of the Baskervilles. Really good modern twist on the whole thing. Looking forward to more - will be at least one more ep watched tomorrow.


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