First Saturday evening blog - writing+

Well, Saturday was pleasant. Met up with a couple of friends and discussed sci-fi, horror, comic books and more, Three geeks in a room - the world should be scared. Even managed a mini bit of collecting on the way, buying three books. These were

Robert J. Conley - Brass
Ursula Le Guin - Orsinian Tales
C.J. Cherryh - Faery in Shadow

Not much else to say about the day really - apart from it being a bit windy. This is the fourth storm since the UK starting naming them and this is definitely the worst from the look of the news reports from further north. There's a lot of flooding in Cumbria. You have to feel for the people whose homes are inundated with water. I know how much my home means to me. To have nature (adversely affected by us over the last decades) destroy the one place you are supposed to feel comfortable and secure must be devastating. I only hope they recover from it quickly.

Onto writing. Well, I have completed the first scene of the day. Okay being accurate I have finished the scene I started to write yesterday evening in the few short minutes I had available to me then. It ran for 646 words and actually advanced the plot a bit. I thought I'd better do some plot work as the book is up to 79,000 words so I need to think about wrapping it up.

My wife is out playing another gig tonight (private function, I cannot attend) so I have a bit of time. Going to see how far I can get with it.

More to follow


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