Saturday Opening Salvo

Well my wife is off at the next part of the weekend music madness. She's playing a charity set in a coffee shop in Ashby de la Zouch so I am all home alone with only music and my computer to keep me company (trust me, I'll be fine).

Well having dealt with the mass of emails (mostly twitter notifications and junk mail) I am getting myself in a writing mood. So I thought to prefix my next creative burst I would type up a quick blog entry. Now you might think that as pretty much all I've done since the last entry is sleep, get up, eat breakfast and help my wife with carrying amplifiers and saxophones (and you'd be pretty much right).

But there was always the chance of an email from a publisher or an agent that could mean I had some writing news to share. There wasn't; which is good news in one sense as my day didn't start with a rejection or twenty three. No doubt they are all just saving them up for later so I get a mid afternoon downer-fest.

The only main thing I have done since the last blog entry is watch a couple more episode of Danish-Swedish crime series the Bridge (Season 3). These BTW were the ones from last Saturday. As it was another gig night we had to save them up and watch them in between giggingness and band practicing. So kind of strange to be watching this kind of thing early in the morning (crime drama always works best after dark) but the episodes were still stunning.

They are really putting Saga through the wringer this series - making her cope with some serious messed up stuff and all without the comforting companionship of either former partner Martin or her understanding and very supportive boss Hans Petterson.

Her new partner, Danish cop Henrik Saboe, is an interesting character and I think an able replacement for the absent Martin. He has a truck full of problems of his own so the two of them match quite well. And there is the one secret that might affect their relationship for the worse should Saga find out so we have a decent bit of tension in there.

I hope I've given you a flavour of the show without giving away anything crucial to the plot.

You must watch it - it's brilliant. And don't give me the excuse of your not being able to deal with subtitles - get over it and watch!

Right - time to get writing


adamarmour said…
Subtitles? Awww, man. If I wanted to read, I'd pick up a book. Also, I'm a moron. 😛

I've never heard of this show. Sounds pretty interesting. I'll see if it's available here in the States.

Edmund Lester said…
I hope you find it - and then that you enjoy it. If you do check out the Killing afterwards; another wonderful Danish crime show

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