Further back down to Earth

Well I now know the world isn't going to let me ego or optimism grow out of control. After the boost it had when a NY based publisher asked for the full manuscript of the Patternmaker's Daughter (my YA Fantasy) I had the three rejections I mentioned in the last blog post - which was something of a return to normal.

Well one more day on and I have another two rejections to add to the pile, one for Mr. Stinky (horror) and another for the Patternmaker's Daughter.

Right - that's it World. After five rejections in the two days following the full manuscript request I think the ego is in check. You can stop now, I don't need any more mood suppressants.

After all the fun of the week I think I need to get back to the main job in hand - finishing draft one of No Man's Land. I left it at the weekend on 82,432 and two chapters from finished. I was hoping that I would have this done by the end of the weekend coming but having had three days of not writing it that's not an option.

However I may have finally decided what to write next. I think it's likely to be the third Ben Williamson novella. For one thing it will be relatively quick to write. I have it all plotted out and the first section is even written. Add to that it will only be about 30K long, a third as long as my usual novel length. So I could aim to have it done over Christmas. The second reason is I have a publisher in mind for it and they are opening for submissions early in 2016. Seems a no brainer.

After that though - who knows? I have another plot forcing its way into my brain in addition to all of the others so... only time will tell.

Away from writing I managed to find time to watch a little TV - namely the first episode of the latest Flash/Arrow crossover 'Legends of Today'. One thing that has been apparent with both these shows of late is that they are setting up the new series coming next year Legends of Tomorrow. And I will have to take off my proverbial hat the shows' writers because neither has felt any the less for this manipulation of their plotlines to meet an outside agenda (namely setting up a new show).

This episode like the others that have introduced or brought back characters still felt relevant to the main show and entertained. Will be watching the Arrow conclusion to this part shortly and am definitely looking forward to it.


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