Very short writing update - and a question seeking advice

Not much writing is going on tonight - been helping out with some of my wife's music. Worth it.

So I arrived home to two more rejections from agencies - one for the sf Against the Fall of Empire and one for the YA fantasy the Patternmaker's Daughter. Bugger, eh? Nice way to start the weekend. Well I've redressed the balance a little and sent off another couple of future rejections / submissions (delete as inappropriate) into the great submission pot in the aether. Fingers crossed.

I have written a few paragraphs in the bawdy scifi but nowhere near enough to really report. I will do that tomorrow when I get some decent writing time in.

I really wanted to mention a few things about the next project - to see if anyone out there feels like giving me some advice. You see I have a plethora of ideas for the next project and I'm still a little up in the air about which one I should attack first.

1 - Ben Williamson weird novella number 3.
Cons - bit specialist being a novella; even more specialist being of the weird subgenre
Pros - have an idea where I could submit it

2 - YA Urban Fantasy set in a version of 15th Century Venice
Pros - I love Venice and I think I'm not alone
Cons - likely to require a great deal of research and will take time to write

3 - The new SF idea. Bit of a Cross Time Caper (okay - that might be it's working title). Should be a bit more of an adventure sf than my previous Against the Fall of Empire. Oh, and it starts in the 1920s
Pros - light hearted action centric
Cons - the least plotted of all the ideas so far

4 - Monsterville - a comedic horror
Pros - everyone likes a funny Frankenstein
Cons - will be hard to get the humour right. Plot is proving difficult to flesh out

5 - YA SF set on a failing generations starship
Pros - seems YA SF is popular at the moment (being a little materialistic here)
Cons - not sure if it will just feel too much like all these Hunger Games/Maze Runner types

Any thoughts you have will be appreciated


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