Tuesday Submissions and a new project

Well today was a back in the office day after a day off. Getting up that bit earlier is never fun. Ah well.

Anyway, this evening started with a quick trio of submissions of the YA fantasy novel to some agencies where new agents were looking to build lists - always worth a shot. I started with subs because having finished one novel on Sunday I always find it a little tricky to start a new one and I didn't want to just sit here staring at a screen.

Having done them I thought I would see if the writing muscles fancied a quick flexing. Surprisingly I found this new project quite easy to get going. It probably helps that I decided on another Ben Williamson weird novella as I know the characters well and so all I had to do was concentrate on the story.

Well the novella now stands at 2,550 words and I am underway on a new project - yehay. Always feels good to have something underway.

It'll give me time to decide on the next novel project. I had thought I was going to go for the Venice/Magic YA story but last night I came up with a decent plot for the YA supernatural. Previously all I had had for that one was the characters, the setting and how the supernatural side of it would work but no decent tale to fit into it. That changed last night halfway through a conversation with my wife. I had to apologise to her, grab my notebook and get scrawling it all down before I forgot a word.

So I'm going to write this novella - estimated at 30K and flesh out the plot for the YA supernatural a little until I am ready to write the next novel. Of course I will probably write something else entirely but I guess that's how I am. I am disciplined once I start writing something - managing to only be on one project at a time but aside from that juggling many future possibles

Anyway, better stop now and go be sociable.


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