Saturday - Am Writing

I might get time to write (insert jinx here).

So far I have added one more chaplet comprising 653 words. It completed chapter ten rather nicely bringing the word count to 39,418. As chapter 11 will see the group leave the island where everything has taken place so far the story has finished its second phase. Phase three begins.

Music for the day is Rush. I['m the only one in the house so I've turned it up to 11 - okay to be honest up to 25 but that's doesn't have same ring to it

Back to it after a short walk around

Another section done - chapter 11 is underway with an 860 word chaplet. Word count now up to 40,268. Broken through the 40K mark. That was the last section to take place on dry land for a bit. now to burden my characters with what I suffer from - seasickness.

No more writing to report but I have sent my weird novella The Intersection in to another publisher - this time the wonderfully named Fuzzy Hedgehog Press


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