Tuesday writing update

Chapter 12 is underway. The action that ended chapter 11 is behind the party and they are now on a new island. So another little journey is about to start.

They have been joined by a new character, one that will come in quite useful in the next couple of chapters.

Tonight's two chaplets have totalled 1,379 words and have brought the novel up to 44,690 words. In terms of the plot it's just over halfway, although one or two of the later chapters will be a bit longer than the average.

Signed up to NaNoWriMo - National Novel Writing Month (I think). The aim is to write a novel draft of at least 50K words during November. I'm going to go for it. Just need to finish The Patternmaker's Daughter before the end of October so I can have a clean slate.

Just as well I have next Wednesday booked off - I can do a bit more writing then.


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