Sunday report

Sunday, bright and not that early. My wife got in pretty late last night following the gig. I think that was the latest she's ever got back. Still she enjoys playing so I am not going to complain - I was asleep anyway when she got in.. I'm getting on with writing while she catches up on her sleep.

Last night I finished with the fantasy novel at 20,716 and six chapters done. Well I have added the first section of Chapter 7 this morning and the word count has increased to 21,374.

I must, must, must not get distracted by the 3rd Ben Williamson weird novella. Not that I can say I am likely to avoid it. I have the next few sections sketched out and am aching to write them. And I know I need to finish revising the first of the novellas. I've reread about 2/3 of it and just need to get through to the end and it'll be ready to submit somewhere.

Update 12:40 - Section two of chapter 7 written. Word count at 22,390. It's time for lunch

Or rather - time to pop to Tesco - we are out of just about everything. Writing will be delayed

Lengthy delay - wanted to spend at least part of Sunday with my wife. Call me crazy after all these years but...

Anyway it's 16:48 and I've just completed another section. Word count is now 23,136. That section was a little sad. I'm beginning to see what authors have said about caring for their characters. Now I'm just hoping it was the right effect on my wife she reads it later. I need a few minutes to stretch.

19:17 - Another little break - I had a chat with a friend who acts as a reader of everything we do. I've been encouraging him to give writing a go as he's as much a sf/f geek as me and does have some good ideas. So we chatted for a while. He has the two Ben Williamson novellas so I should get some feedback on those soon.

I have returned to the fantasy novel - chapter seven is getting near its end. Word count is 23,696. Now for the exposition part - there always seems to need to be one. At some point you need to fill in the background for one of the characters (and hence the reader). I'm about to start it in PMD. Now to ensure it's not too heavy on detail. I don't want to overly labour it.

One final update. Chapter 7 is done. Exposition all over (at least for now). The word count is at 25,294. Four and a half thousand words today. I have met the target I set for myself of twenty five thousand by the end of the weekend - only just though. The two thousand I write for the 3rd Ben Williamson novella kind of got in the way. Had to be done though, it wanted out.

And now I am done. Going to relax for a few minutes - spend some time with my wife and get ready for work tomorrow.


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