Wednesday Writing and life

Over half way through another working week. Two more days and I will have a weekend and maybe the last chance for a car boot book hunt. After last weekend's blowout it would be nice to have some success.

At the every least I should get a run through some of the local shops on Saturday - popping into Ashby in the morning.

Tonight though we finally caught up with a show I know a lot of people are raving about - Midwinter of the Spirit. And now I can see why they are. It's a really good show, not afraid to take time in between the gory hits to develop back story and characters; well acted and just generally absorbing. It feels in places like many of the Scandinavian dramas we enjoy watching - nice moody shots and gentle music. Looking forward to watching the next episode, although I won't get chance tonight. Probably have to wait until Friday evening.

Anyway I am now settled in the computer - my wife has music to do so it's best I stay out the way. I have Magenta's Twenty Seven Club CD playing and am about to start on the Patternmaker's Daughter.

I need to get it done and revised by end of October as I've chosen to have a go at this NaNoWriMo challenge - writing a novel (min 50K) during November from scratch. I have an idea in mind for what it will be - a sf space opera type thing - and I'm guessing it will be more like 90K. Not sure if I can get it done in a month but I'm willing to try.

I will have time. My wife has signed up to the musical director for a pantomime so she's going to off doing that a lot from November. As it carries on well into the New Year I might get two done.

Of course all of this might just change if I get a publisher or agent interested.


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