Things just got in the way

Monday evening came and went with next to no time on the keyboard and no writing of note to mention. I tapped in a couple of paragraphs but if I got to 200 words I'll be amazed.

Part of it is the last chapter ended a phase and although I know where Ineed to get phase 2 to be in a hurry, I'm not totally happy with my first thoughts on how to do it. I will have to rethink.

But life is full of those things that take time; needing to go shopping; cooking; round trip to petrol station to fill the car and a new TV quiz on science with Brian Cox.

The last wasn't as good as I'd hoped. I'd love a really good science quiz. This one needed too much prompting in the way of clues.

So not much to report on PMD although I'm going to spend the last part of Monday re-reading the first Ben Williamson weird novella. So that's writing work ongoing


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