Blow out Sunday

Most of what I tried today failed big time. My head just wasn't in anything.

I struggled to start writing - managed a few paragraphs only to then delete them.

I tried going back over the first Ben Williamson weird novella. That's still lacking a lot of polish. Didn't get much today.

Went out - didn't even manage that well.

Head just wasn't right.

This evening I gave it another go. I have added 800 words to the YA fantasy novel. Unfortunately I am fairly sure much of that will not survive the editing on first polish run. Bugger.

I did manage to get a couple of submissions sorted though. I sent a short story into the Dark and Mr. Stinky in to Samhain Publishing. Not expecting much from either of them but it made me feel I was at least still trying


Oh - golly. I've just re-read this post. I sound depressed. Hopefully I'm not. It's just a bad day. I'm going to keep telling myself that. We all have them.

I did manage to buy some books when I was out. Maybe I should do a collecting post.


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