The week ends

My initial plan for this evening included writing. The problem was for some reason my brain had completely forgotten about the rugby world cup starting and England playing Fiji. So the writing was delayed yet again - I know; it's terrible. And to make things worse, apart from a few moments here and there, England didn't even play all that well.

As for the writing, well there's not much to mention. No more emails from agents and publishers landed on my desk. And no one particularly seems to be reading the parts of my horror novel I've posted on Wattpad.

I'm really going to have to put some time into finding out how to promote my writing. It's not something that comes naturally to me. I don't just think of things that can get me attention. I've spent most of my life trying to avoid it so it's a bit of a radical rethink of the way I do stuff.

I'm thinking I might create a Facebook page for my writing. It could help. It probably can't hurt. So far I have this blog, my twitter account and the Wattpad thing. I might have to look at other way people promote fiction

That and do some actual writing. Tomorrow I promise will see the story moving on.


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