End of weekend state of play

I did a fair bit of writing this weekend. I just checked back to the last blog entry on Friday. I ended that evening on  62,120 words. Having spent a good amount of time at the keyboard over the past two day this has increased to 69,374 words. So that's a little over 7K in two days.

I am relatively happy with that. I'm going to have to build one thing into my writing planning if I write any more fantasy. I don't find it as natural to write as either science fiction or horror. Those two just seem to flow naturally from brain to keyboard. Fantasy has a problem translating its way down my nervous system.

I think the book is likely to be a little longer than I had originally planned. I'd thought it would run to about 80K - which I thought okay for YA. It's likely to be up to another 10K on top of that. Some of the bits just took longer to write than I thought. I'm not going to try to rush it. It comes out as it comes out.

Today's writing saw a pretty pivotal scene finally make it to the page. This part was one of the first I imagined when the plot for this story entered my head. A few weeks ago (on a nice hot summer day) I was waiting for my wife. She was having her hair cut. I was in the car park listening to Neil Young on the CD player and scribbling notes down frantically in a notebook (the one that sits beside me now).

By the time she returned I'd got a dozen or so pages filled. I had the main characters sketched (pretty much as they are in the book), the basic plot and the key scene I've just written all filling up a dozen or so pages of the notebook.

It was a real struggle to put it aside and finish the weird novella I was writing at the time. That novella, the Intersection, did get finished however and has been submitted to a few places as reported earlier. So, to get back to the point. I have finally written the scene I imagined all those weeks ago. And it feels good to have it down on the page.

Pity the weekend's over. I would like nothing more than to be getting up tomorrow morning and heading back into my home office to carry on writing. The whole of the rest of the book is sitting in my head at the moment; just need the time to type it up.

Unfortunately though, I need to go do the day job. The mortgage has to be paid. By the way, none of this is any comment on my day job. I actually like what I do and I like the people I work with. It's just going to be frustrating to have to wait until the evening to write some more.

Should get through the 70K mark tomorrow night though. Will report more then.

Keep well all.


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