Monday journal entry number one

I titled that thinking it might be the first of who knows how many. Truth is it might be the only one of the day but I am hopeful I will return to this site later. I also noticed I didn't blog at all yesterday - very remiss of me so this will cover both days

Sunday was a slow start day. Even given the clocks going back we'd had a late night. We were watching some Scandinavian dramas (mainly Beck) plus Doctor Who and some other stuff and as no one in the house had to go to work for another week we just carried on. I know rebels eh?

So I started off the day writing a few more words on my watery fantasy novel The City - the one I started whilst holding back on the sf Space Station story I intend to be my NaNoWriMo project. I brought that up to 2,881 words and got it to the point where I've introduced the main characters and can start to set the scene fully.

That done I headed off for the NaNoWriMo meeting in Leicester. I had no idea what to expect of the meeting so tried to go in with a totally open mind. Hmm, that sentence makes it sound as though I am about to be very disparaging. I'm not.

The people were very friendly, albeit one or two extremely nervous. Not sure if this is to do with my immense height. Being over two metres tall does unnerve some. Anyway I had some pleasant chats with people there and found out a little bit more about the whole thing. Most usefully I learned that you don't have to start the novel from word on the 1st November anymore. You can add those words to an already started project.

Music to my ears that. It meant I could put down the fantasy story and get on with the sf one straight away. Of course the first thing was make sense of my notes and sketches. Fortunately I had a bag full of energy and the desire to get it on.

Cue a few hours of intensive conversion of bullet points into actual sentences and filling in character names etc and it was starting to look like a first draft - well if you exclude a few "Here Be Dragons" type comments and a couple of remaining bullet point chapters.

So Sunday finished with the book at 11,1K although with the aforementioned fair bit of reformatting / adding in names etc still needed to be done before it resembled prose. Bullet points in a novel do stick out a bit.

Today I started writing all nice and early. I finished getting the notes and sketches into actual first draft standard prose and then got writing. End result is that five hours in (minus a lunch break and talking to a number of cold callers) I have now got all proper text and have added 2.1K to the whole count. The book is up to 12,373.

Now I need to go walk around for a bit.

Today's musical assistance has been provided by
Bruce Springsteen
Dream Theater
Poverty's No Crime
And very much appreciated the help was too.

Almost forgot. Two more writery bits to report.

One more submission sent off - one I'd been meaning to do for an ice age and a half. And one rejection came in - a very impersonal "Dear Author" type. Both for the sf novel Against the Fall of Empire.

Them's the rub I guess


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