The weekend starts here

I'm going to be writing later but as I had a few minutes I thought I would just type in some random meandering. Or to put it another way I have a few minutes before I turn into a taxi for the night.

I have been playing around with the idea for the science fiction novel that I am going to try writing as part of NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month - I think I might have a shot at finishing a draft I a month - even if I think that might approach 90,000 words. Of course I might need to take a day or two off work to do it - I have the holiday/vacation remaining so it's a possible. Anyway the challenge is 50K, so I will try for that before I get too ambitious. Life has a habit of throwing things in m way if I aim too high.

The week hasn't gone too badly writing wise. 53K at the end of last Sunday.60.360 now. A little over 7K despite being at work. Hope to improve on that tonight.

Will blog more later


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